Öffnungszeiten / Opening Hours Do – Sa / Thu – Sat 12 – 18 Uhr / o’clock
Die Ausstellung kann zu den Öffnungszeiten ohne Voranmeldung besichtigt werden. Der Eintritt ist frei. / The exhibition is open to the public during regular opening hours. No appointment necessary. Entrance is free.
The installation “House of the Last Star Traveler” consists of a series of sculptural works that draw the attention towards the intrinsic agency of surfaces and their role in constructing our realities in the wake of a growing sense of instability and dead futures. Thus, surfaces are not only treated as images but as immediate material itself through stitching, nailing, stapling, and gluing them together to thwart dissociating whilst wandering amongst the ruinous.
This master’s thesis, conducted as part of the IMAMS (International Media Architecture Master Studies), was supervised by Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall (Bauhaus-University Weimar) and Prof. Mark Shepard (University at Buffalo, SUNY).
Mittwoch / Wednesday, 08. November 2023, 18 00 Uhr
Paul Knopf is an artist with a background in architecture who is exploring the potential of narrative spaces. His installations, sculptures, and objects are made of everyday materials that reveal inherent material meaning and origin while subverting ways we are conditioned to understand them. He composes them into intricate worlds that seem enwrought by magical cosmologies, yet strangely mundane and familiar.
»House of the Last Star Traveler«, Paul Knopf
09.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Öffnungszeiten / Opening Hours
Do – Sa / Thu – Sat
12 – 18 Uhr / o’clock
Die Ausstellung kann zu den Öffnungszeiten ohne Voranmeldung besichtigt werden. Der Eintritt ist frei. / The exhibition is open to the public during regular opening hours. No appointment necessary. Entrance is free.
The installation “House of the Last Star Traveler” consists of a series of sculptural works that draw the attention towards the intrinsic agency of surfaces and their role in constructing our realities in the wake of a growing sense of instability and dead futures. Thus, surfaces are not only treated as images but as immediate material itself through stitching, nailing, stapling, and gluing them together to thwart dissociating whilst wandering amongst the ruinous.
This master’s thesis, conducted as part of the IMAMS (International Media Architecture Master Studies), was supervised by Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall (Bauhaus-University Weimar) and Prof. Mark Shepard (University at Buffalo, SUNY).
Mittwoch / Wednesday, 08. November 2023, 18 00 Uhr
Vernissage mit / with Paul Knopf
Begrüßung: Mona Mahall, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Paul Knopf is an artist with a background in architecture who is exploring the potential of narrative spaces. His installations, sculptures, and objects are made of everyday materials that reveal inherent material meaning and origin while subverting ways we are conditioned to understand them. He composes them into intricate worlds that seem enwrought by magical cosmologies, yet strangely mundane and familiar.