Foundations of Urban Design

35,00  inkl. MwSt.

By Marcel Smets.

144 pages
15 × 22 cm
58 black & white illustrations
thread-sewn linen hardcover
Actar Publishers, New York, Barcelona
2022, 1. Edition

ISBN 978-1-63840-033-2

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»With this book, Marcel Smets not only offers an inspiring vocabulary to describe the spatial features of the city but, above all, a unique dictionnaire raisonné to discuss past and future interventions in our largest man-made artefact.« — Tom Avermaete, Chair for the History and Theory of Urban Design, ETH Zürich

»Smets’ fundaments may be likened to emblems. […] The paired titles, the written analysis, alternating abstractions and historic references, together with Heinrich Altenmüller’s pairs of essentialized computer graphics, neither completely ‘explain’, nor exhaust each other’s suggestive capacities. Some of the pairs […] tackle the city scale proper, while others […] question processes and paradigms of making.« — Cristina Purcar, Planning Perspectives

by Marcel Smets

With illustrations by Heinrich Altenmüller.

The book is structured into twenty-nine essays, each dedicated to a pair of urbanistic concepts. Discussing historical and contemporary, interpretive and designerly approaches to urbanity, the notions composing the 29 pairs relate dialectically, as theses-and-antitheses. Still, we are warned, ‘the presented antagonisms are not a priori in opposition, but rather complementary’.

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